Why Is American Football Called Football?

Fans of both sports can become confused when there are two major sports that share the same name. In American football, the players almost never use their feet to touch the ball. Why is a game called football when it uses the feet so little? Continue reading to learn why American Football is called football.

What is the origin of the term football?

During the Middle Ages, historians think that the word “football” was first used to describe any sport that involved the use of the feet. It was a contrast to the horse-back sports. Soccer was developed from the majority of games that required intensive footwork. American football was developed from these games, which is why it’s still called football around the world today.

Rugby and Football

Different variations of soccer began to appear as the rules of the game became more established. Rugby was a variant that followed the same rules as soccer. Rugby’s basic goal is to get the ball into the goal of the opponent, but players can use their hands. As a throwback to the game’s original roots, the players would also kick the ball over goallines.

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Rugby grew in popularity and so did its variations. William Webb Ellis, a rugby-playing player from 1823, decided to run the ball across the goalline instead of kicking the ball. The move was initially controversial but it became popular and led to the creation of a new sport, rugby football. The sport that is now called soccer was originally known as association football.

American Football

American football was created as more European immigrants arrived in the United States. They combined rugby with soccer. The first American Football game was played between Princeton University and Rutgers University in 1869.

Teams were composed of 25 players, and the ball was round. It could not be carried or picked up. The ball could be kicked, batted, or rolled with the hands, the head, the sides, or the feet. But the goal remained the exact same: to advance the ball towards the opponent’s goals. In 1906, forward passing was allowed in the game.

Organized American Football

Years after the first game, football matches were played according to the rules of the school that hosted the event. In 1873 representatives from Yale, Columbia Princeton and Rutgers, among others, met to develop a set of standard rules.

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Harvard University chose to follow the Canadian rugby rules after initially refusing to attend the conference. Canadian rugby rules included 11 players, running the ball and tackling. They also used the signature oblong-shaped ball. Two Princeton students, who had seen a Harvard-Yale match in 1875 and were inspired by it, brought the style of play back to their university. It was soon adopted by other universities. This early version of American Football laid the foundation for the modern version, and the term football stuck.


American football derives its name from various football-like games developed during Europe’s Middle Ages. Collectively known as “football,” these games were typically played on foot as opposed to horseback sports like archery or fencing. As rules evolved and different variations such as rugby and soccer emerged, European immigrants brought them over to America where they combined elements from both codes to form American football despite its relatively minimal use of feet in modern game play – thus perpetuating its historical heritage and evolution over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is American football called football when the game mainly uses hands?

What were the main influences in the development of American football?

American football was influenced by both soccer and rugby. The early versions of the game in the United States involved kicking and carrying the ball, drawing elements from both sports. Over time, the rules were modified, incorporating more aspects of rugby, such as running with the ball and tackling.

When and where was the first American football game played?

The first American football game was played between Princeton University and Rutgers University in 1869. This early version of the game included 25 players on each team and a round ball that could not be carried or picked up, but only kicked or batted.

How did American football rules evolve in the late 19th century?

In 1873, representatives from several universities met to establish a standard set of rules for American football. Harvard University, however, chose to follow Canadian rugby rules, which included 11 players, running the ball, and tackling, and used an oblong-shaped ball. This style of play was eventually adopted by other universities, shaping the modern form of American football.

What role did forward passing play in the development of American football?

Forward passing was allowed in American football starting in 1906. This innovation significantly changed the dynamics of the game, making it more strategic and diverse in play options, and contributed to the unique identity of American football as distinct from its rugby and soccer predecessors.

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